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This data represents the yearly budget of and the programs details of the fiscal year 2080/81 prepared by Tulsipur Sub Metropolitan city.
Budget FY 2081/082
This data represents the physical progress details of projects i.e. (due payment, city level, federal government and state government) and even the allocation of budget in such projects too of the first quarterly of 2079-80.
This data represents the plans and project collaborated and completed in the year 2075/76 including the topic like project name, date of start, date of completion in case of completed one.
तुलसीपुर उपमहानगरपालिका योजना तथा बजेट शाखाको आ.व २०८०/०८१ प्रथम भैातिक प्रगती विवरण
This data represents different programs being organized and performed by Tulsipur Sub-metropolitan city in the fiscal year 2079/80. This data shows detailing of program name, work details, source, construction business name and its both bittiye and bhautik progress.
This data represents the yearly budget of and the programs details of the fiscal year 2079/80 prepared by Tulsipur Sub Metropolitan city.
This data shows plans of 2079/80 with its budget, plans of 2077/78 which haven't completed along with its budget , first quarterly report of planning department with its budget from both provincial government and federal government progress report.