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114 datasets found
It represents the data of the voilence related to human trafficking, rape, domestic voilence, social voilence polygamy, child marriage that are registered in Tulsipur Elaka Police Office.
This data represents the students Details of Private school of Tulsipur Sub metropolitan city of the year 2081 from EMIS including the details of school name, grade , number of boys and girls, address, school code number.
This data shows the details of organizations that have taken permission to run the program, details of listed institution organizations, details of the organizations recommended for renewal of the organization in the fiscal year 2079-80.
Foreign Employment Profile
आ.व. २०७८।०७९ को सा.सु. भत्ता बुझ्ने लाभग्राहीको संख्या (वार्ड नं. १)
आ.व २०८०/८१ मा (भुक्तानी बाँकी, नगर स्तरीय, संघीय सरकार र प्रदेश सरकार) विनियोजन बजेट र आयोजनाहरुको वैशाख ३१ सम्म भौतिक प्रगति विवरण उल्लेख गरिएको छ।
SAMI Program Progress report FY 2080/81
It represents the data of the annual progress of the agriculture department of the FY 2081
Chemical fertilizer distributed in one fiscial year 2080/81
It represents the annual progress report of the agriculture department.