Physical progress details of projects 1st quarterly
This data represents the physical progress details of projects i.e. (due payment, city level, federal government and state government) and even the allocation of budget in such projects too of the first quarterly of 2079-80.
Data and Resources
Physical progress details of the projects
This data represents the physical progress details of projects i.e. (due payment, city level, federal government and state government) and even the allocation of budget in such projects too.
Physical progress details of the projects.csv
तुलसीपुर उपमहानगरपालिका नगरकार्यपालिकाको कार्यालय, तुलसीपुर दाङको आ.व. २०७९/०८० मा (भुक्तानी बाँकी, नगर स्तरिय, संघीय सरकार र प्रदेश सरकार) बाट विनियोजन बजेट र आयोजनाहरु को भौतिक प्रगति विवरण