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11 datasets found
This data represents the students Details of Private school of Tulsipur Sub metropolitan city of the year 2081 from EMIS including the details of school name, grade , number of boys and girls, address, school code number.
This data represents the students Details of Tulsipur Sub metropolitan city of the year 2080 from EMIS including the details of school name, grade , number of boys and girls, address, school code number.
This data represents the students Details of Public School of Tulsipur Sub metropolitan city of the year 2081 from EMIS including the details of school name, grade , number of boys and girls, address, school code number.
This data represents the ASER report i.e Annual Status of Education Report of the Tulsipur Sub-metropolitan city of the year 2076 B.S.
Information related to the number of schools and teachers in it within Tulsipur Submetropolotian city regarding base year 2077.
This data represents the promoters students Details of Tulsipur Sub metropolitan city of the year 2079 from EMIS including the details of school name, grade , number of boys and girls, address, school code number.
This data represents the repeaters students Details of Tulsipur Sub metropolitan city of the year 2079 from EMIS including the details of school name, grade , number of boys and girls, address, school code number.
This is a drop out student record of 2078 on the basis of IEMIS.
This data represents the principle's details of every schools of Tulsipur Sub metropolitan city with their name and respective location in different wards along with permitted classes. The sheet one contains principle's details of public school and sheet two contains principle details of private school.
This data represents the new enrolle students Details of Tulsipur Sub metropolitan city of the year 2079 from EMIS including the details of school name, grade , number of boys and girls, address, school code number.