nepal emblem

Tulsipur Sub-Metropolitan City

Lumbini Province, Dang



Data on the education system, including schools, teachers, students, programs, and policies, to track progress and identify areas for improvement.

Aser report-2076

This data represents the ASER report i.e Annual Status of Education Report of the Tulsipur Sub-metropolitan city of the year 2076 B.S.

Data and Resources

ASER Report Tulsipur.pdf

This data represents the ASER report i.e Annual Status of Education Report of the Tulsipur Sub-metropolitan city of the year 2076 B.S.

Primary level School ranking - Based on level of comprehension in nepali.csv

It represent the data of the school ranking of primary level based on the level of comprehension in Nepali.

Public Primary level School ranking - Based on level of comprehension in english.csv

It represents the data of the school ranking of primary level of public school based on level of comprehension in English.

Public Primary level School ranking - Based on level of Division in math.csv

It represents the data of primary level school ranking of public school based on the level of division in math.

Subject WiSe Public Secondary and Basic School ranking.csv

It represents the data of subject wise public secondary and basic school ranking based on the level of comprehension in Nepali.

Public Secondary and Basic School ranking - Based on level of comprehension in english.csv

It represents the data of public and basic school ranking based on level of comprehension in English.

Public Secondary and Basic School ranking - Based on level of Division in math.csv

It represents the data of public and basic school ranking based on level of Division in Math.

Private School ranking - Based on level of comprehension in nepali.csv

It includes the data of the subjectwise Private School Ranking based on level of comprehension in Nepali.

Private School ranking - Based on level of comprehension in english.csv

It includes the data of the subjectwise Private School Ranking based on level of comprehension in English.

Private School ranking - Based on level of Division in math.csv

It includes the data of the subjectwise Private School Ranking based on level of Division in Math.