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7 datasets found
It represents the data of the voilence related to human trafficking, rape, domestic voilence, social voilence polygamy, child marriage that are registered in Tulsipur Elaka Police Office.
आ.व २०८०/८१ मा (भुक्तानी बाँकी, नगर स्तरीय, संघीय सरकार र प्रदेश सरकार) विनियोजन बजेट र आयोजनाहरुको वैशाख ३१ सम्म भौतिक प्रगति विवरण उल्लेख गरिएको छ।
This data represents the population details such as total population based on different age group from all 19 wards and economically active as well as economically non-active population of Tulsipur Submetropolitan city according to the recent census report 2079.
This data represents the list of the tole bikash sastha of Tulsipur Sub metropolitian city of all 19 wards.
This data represents the karyapalika decisions of Tulsipur sub-metropolitan city in the year 2079.
This data represents the decision of the nagarsabha held on 2079/03/07 which was the first nagarsabha meeting of 11th Nagarsabha held in Tulsipur Submetropolitan city.
This data represents the decision of the nagarsabha held on 2079/10/23 which was the first meeting of the 12th Nagarsabha.