nepal emblem

Tulsipur Sub-Metropolitan City

Lumbini Province, Dang


Administrative and Manpower Development

Data related to employee demographics, such as the number of employees, their job classifications, salaries and benefits, and diversity statistics.

Demographic data of Tulsipur Sub metropolitican city as per 2079 census report

This data represents the population details such as total population based on different age group from all 19 wards and economically active as well as economically non-active population of Tulsipur Submetropolitan city according to the recent census report 2079.

Data and Resources

तुलसीपुर उपमहानगरपालिकाको जनसाङ्ख्यिक विवरण

This data represents the population details of Tulsipur Submetropolitan city according to the recent census report 2079.

जनगणना २०७८ बमोजिम तुलसीपुर उमनपाको विवरण

This data represents the population details of Tulsipur Submetropolitan city according to the recent census report 2079.

Total Male and Female population based on age group

It represents the total no. of population based on different age group.

Economically active and Economically non-active group of Tulsipur

It represents the data of economically active group, employed ,unemployed population, economically non-active population along with population not stated ecocomically.