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Tulsipur Sub-Metropolitan City

Lumbini Province, Dang





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9 datasets found

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Federal level budget in the Health sector

This data represents the federal level budget of the Tulsipur sub metropolitan city.

Last Modified: Jul 22 2024

No of files: 1

Detail information of different infrastructures of Tulsipur Municipality

This data represents the hospital and health care units details of Tulsipur sub metropolitan city along with information of total banks, industry different government offices and water supply units .

Last Modified: Jul 15 2024

No of files: 7

Drinking Water Consumer List 2077/2078

It represent the data of drinking water consumer list along with total distributed taps in different ward with the total no. of population (Male and Female )that are excess to taps of drinking water in the year 2077/2078

Last Modified: Jul 07 2024

No of files: 1

Trend of Utilization of Priority Health Service

This data represents trends of utilization of priority health service with its indicators and data of 2076/77, 2077/78, 2078/79 and trends of utilization of priority health service of 2078/79 of both Lumbini Province and National Level too.

Last Modified: Jun 27 2024

No of files: 1

Nutritional Program Operational Plan 2079/80

This data represents the operational plan of the Nutritional Program followed by Tulsipur Sub metropolitan city in the year 2079/80. This worksheet includes the topic of the work to be performed along with its budget distribution, time up to which it works, area where it will be followed and the institution responsible to perform it wisely.

Last Modified: Jun 27 2024

No of files: 1

Epi clinics update 2078

खोप केन्द्र संचालन स्थान मिति र स्वास्थ्य कर्मी को नाम सहितको बिबरण उल्लेख गरिएको छ |यस डाटामा आ व २०८०८१ को तुलसीपुर उपमहानगरपालिकाको पालिका स्तरीय खोप तालिका उल्लेख गरिएको छ। यहा जम्मा संचालन हुने खोप केन्द्र ६० वटा छन र जम्मा सेसन ७३ छन्। उलब्ध सेवा हरु जन्मे देखि १५ बर्ष मुनिका बच्चालाइ र गर्भवती महिलालाई खोप लगाउने र बच्चाको वृद्धि अनुगमन साथै पोषण परामर्श समेत गरिनेछ त्येसैले खोप लगाउन जाँदा खोप कार्ड अनिबार्य लिई जानुहुन अनुरोध गरिन्छ। खोप शेषन संचालन समय बिहान ११ बजे देखि ४ बजे सम्म

Last Modified: Jun 24 2024

No of files: 1

स्वास्थ्य सेवा सम्बन्धि मुख्य सुचखरुको अनुगमन तालिका

स्वास्थ्य सेवा सम्बन्धि मुख्य सुचखरुको अनुगमन तालिका

Last Modified: May 16 2024

No of files: 1

Progress in Health related program

This data represents the progress in health related affairs along with its topic from the date of Shrawan 2077 to Ashad 2080 of Tulsipur 11. The last data of Ashad 2080 is the expected one to reach.

Last Modified: Feb 16 2023

No of files: 1

Health Facilities General Information

This data represents the name of the facility, ward number, birth center, sanctioned position, filled position and contract staff.

Last Modified: Feb 16 2023

No of files: 1