२०७८ को जनगणना अनुसार तुलसीपुर उप–महानगरपालिकाको विस्तृत जनसांख्यिक विवरण
It Includes the data of the total population, literacy rate, average household number, widewise population, ratio of people living on urban and remote area ,major caste,language,religion etc all demographic status of the tulsipur according to the cencus 2078.
Data and Resources
२०७८ को जनगणना अनुसार तुलसीपुर उप–महानगरपालिकाको विस्तृत जनसांख्यिक विवरण
It Includes the data of the total population, literacy rate, average household number etc and all the demographic status of the tulsipur according to the census 2078.
तथ्याड्ढमा तुलसीपुर उप–महानगरपालिका
It includes the data of the total population,literacy rate, average household number all about demographic status of the tulsipur Sub metropolitican city according to the census of 2078.
घरको मुख्य प्रयोग अनुसारको विवरण (% मा)
It represents the data of population of Tulsipur based on main use of house.
घरको तला अनुसारको विवरण (% मा)
It represents the population based on storey of house.
घरको आयु अनुसारको विवरण (% मा)
It represents the population based on lifespan of house.
घरको स्वामित्वअनुसार पारिवारिक विवरण
It represents the population based on ownership of house .
घरको जगअनुसार पारिवारिक वितरण
It represents the population based on the foundation of the house.
घरको बाहिरी गारोअनुसार पारिवारिक वितरण
It represents the number population based on exterior of the house.
घरको भुइँको बनोट अनुसार परिवारको विवरण
It represents the population according to the texture of the floor of the house.
उप—महानगरपालिकामा घरको छानोको प्रकारअनुसार परिवारको विवरण
IT represents the total population according to the typr of roof of the house.
उप—महानगरपालिकामा घरको छानोको प्रकारअनुसार परिवारको विवरण
IT represents the total population according to the type of roof of the house.
खानेपानीको स्रोतअनुसार परिवारको वितरण
It represents the population according the source of drinking water.
खाना पकाउन अक्सर प्रयोग गरिने इन्धनअनुसार परिवारको विवरण
It represents the population according to the use of energy source for the cooking purpose.
बत्ती बाल्ने स्रोतको आधारमा परिवारको वितरण
It represents the total population according to the source of light used.
परिवारले प्रयोग गर्ने शौचालयको प्रकार
It represents the total population according to the type of toilet used.