nepal emblem

Tulsipur Sub-Metropolitan City

Lumbini Province, Dang


Environment and Agriculture

Data on environmental and agricultural initiatives and programs, including information on natural resources, wildlife, and farming practices, to promote sustainable development and conservation.

Progress work of agriculture department 2081

It represents the data of the annual progress of the agriculture department of the FY 2081

Data and Resources

कार्यक्रम प्रगति 2081

It represent the progress report of agriculture department of the FY 2081.

तुलसीपुर उपमहानगरपालिका कृषि विकास शाखाको वार्षिक प्रगति

आ व ०८०/०८१ को तुलसीपुर उपमहानगरपालिका कृषि विकास शाखाको वार्षिक प्रगति