Progress report of Tulsipur Sub-Metropolitican City of FY 2080/81
It includes the data of the annual progress report of the Tulsipur Sub metropolitican city of Fiscal year 2080/081.
Data and Resources
वार्षिक प्रगति विवरण आ.व. 2080-081.pdf
It includes the data of the progress report of the Tulsipur Sub metropolitican city of Fiscal year 2080/081.
आर्थिक प्रशासन शाखा
It represesnts the data of Economic Administration Branch where it shows current expenditure and Capital expenditure of FY 2080/081.
वार्षिक बजेटको श्रोतगत बजेट प्रगती
It shows the data of Budget progression based on annual budget of FY 2080/081.
राजश्र्व प्राप्तिको विवरण
It represents the data of details of tax attaintment of the FY 2080/081.
वार्षिक बजेटको क्षेत्रगत प्रगती
It represents the data of Sectoral progress of the annual budget of FY 2080/081.