nepal emblem

Tulsipur Sub-Metropolitan City

Lumbini Province, Dang


Information Communication Technology

Data on the use and development of technology within the offices, including information on hardware, software, and communication systems, to improve efficiency and information management.

Progress report of Tulsipur Sub-Metropolitican City of FY 2080/81

It includes the data of the annual progress report of the Tulsipur Sub metropolitican city of Fiscal year 2080/081.

Data and Resources

वार्षिक प्रगति विवरण आ.व. 2080-081.pdf

It includes the data of the progress report of the Tulsipur Sub metropolitican city of Fiscal year 2080/081.

आर्थिक प्रशासन शाखा

It represesnts the data of Economic Administration Branch where it shows current expenditure and Capital expenditure of FY 2080/081.

वार्षिक बजेटको श्रोतगत बजेट प्रगती

It shows the data of Budget progression based on annual budget of FY 2080/081.

राजश्र्व प्राप्तिको विवरण

It represents the data of details of tax attaintment of the FY 2080/081.

वार्षिक बजेटको क्षेत्रगत प्रगती

It represents the data of Sectoral progress of the annual budget of FY 2080/081.