nepal emblem

Tulsipur Sub-Metropolitan City

Lumbini Province, Dang


Consumer's Welfare Conservation

Data related to consumer complaints, safety recalls, shop monitoring and other issues affecting consumers in the area.

Market monitoring report from Shrawan to Ashoj 2079

This data shows the market monitoring report of different vendors, business of Tulsipur Sub metropolitan city from 2079 Shrawan to Ashoj collected by the team of the Tulsipur Sub metropolitan city. This sheet contains the details of the name of the institution i.e shops , date of monitoring , address and type of vendors, details of confiscated goods , name of goods destroyed and its quantity.

Data and Resources

Market Monitoring Report from 2079 shrawan to ashoj

This data shows the market monitoring report of different vendors, business of Tulsipur Sub metropolitan city from 2079 Shrawan to Ashoj collected by the team of the Tulsipur Sub metropolitan city. This sheet contains the details of the name of the institution i.e shops , date of monitoring , address and type of vendors, details of confiscated goods , name of goods destroyed and its quantity.

Market monitoring 2079.csv

२०७९ साल श्रावण महिना देखि असोज सम्मको विभिन्न ठाउमा गरिएको बजार अनुगमन प्रतिवेदन उल्लेख गरिएको छ।

market-monitoring-report- (1).csv

It represent the data of different monitiored shops from asoj to magh 2079 along with their manufactured dates and expired dates .Also includes the list of thing that were found expired.