nepal emblem

Tulsipur Sub-Metropolitan City

Lumbini Province, Dang


Environment and Agriculture

Data on environmental and agricultural initiatives and programs, including information on natural resources, wildlife, and farming practices, to promote sustainable development and conservation.

Geo krishi apps user krisak bibaran

तुलसीपुर उपमहानगरपालिकाले संचालन गरेको जियो कृषि एप्समा जोडिएका कृषकहरुकाे विवरण र कृषकहरु एप्पसमा जोडिएको मिति उल्लेख गरिएको छ।

Data and Resources

तुलसीपुर उपमहानगरवाट संचालित जियो कृषि एप्समा जोडिएका कृषकहरुको विवरण.csv

It represent the data of the farmers that are connected to the Geo Krishi app run by tulsipur municipality along with their date of connection.