Gender ratio ,Marital Status and Fertility ratio of Tulsipur Municipality according to census 2078
It represents the data of wardwise children population and their gender ratio of age between 0-17 years and marital status of above 10 years old population.
Data and Resources
वडाअनुसार बालबालिकाको जनसङ्ख्या र लैङ्गिक अनुपात (०–१७ वर्ष)
It represents the data of wardwise children population and their gender ratio of age between 0-17 years.
तुलसीपुर उप—महानगरपालिकामा १० वर्षमाथिको जनसंख्याको वैवाहिक अवस्था
It represents the data of population of tulsipur based on marital status above 10 years old.
दश वर्ष वा सोभन्दा माथिका जनसङ्ख्याको पहिलो विवाह गर्दाको उमेर
It represents the data of age of total populations of their first marriage from age range 10 or above 10.
१५ वर्षदेखि ४९ वर्षको महिलाले हालसम्म जीवित जन्माएको बच्चाको सङ्ख्या र महिलाको उमेर समूहको आधारमा जनसङ्ख्या
It represents the data of total female population from age 15 to 49 years and the live child they have given birth according to their age.
१५ देखि ४९ वर्षको महिलाले अहिलेसम्म जन्माएका जीवित बच्चा, जीवित जन्मेर मरेका बच्चा र अहिलेसम्म जीवित रहेका बच्चाको सङ्ख्या
It represents the data of female population from age 15 to 49 years who have given birth to live child ,child who died after birth and child who have been alive till today.
दश वर्ष वा सोभन्दा माथिका जनसङ्ख्याको पहिलो विवाह गर्दाको उमेर
It represents the data of age of total populations of their first marriage from age range 10 or above 10.
उमेर-विशिष्ट प्रजनदर
It represents the data of women populations having highest fertility rate according to their age range.
वडाअनुसार बालविवाहको अवस्था
It represents the data of situation of child marriage on different wardwise.