nepal emblem

Tulsipur Sub-Metropolitan City

Lumbini Province, Dang


Information Communication Technology

Data on the use and development of technology within the offices, including information on hardware, software, and communication systems, to improve efficiency and information management.

Distribution of Population according to Census 2078

It includes the data of the population number, wardwise population percentage, gender ration, population density and yearly growth rate of population from census of 2068 and 2078.

Data and Resources

२०६८ र २०७८ अनुसार परिवार संख्या, जनसङ्ख्या तथा लैङ्गिक अनुपात

It includes the data of the population number, wardwise population percentage, gender ration, population density and yearly growth rate of population from census of 2068 and 2078.

उप–महानगरपालिकामा रहेका प्रमुख जातजाति तथा मातृभाषा र धर्म

It represents the percentage distribution of data of the major 10 castes residing in Tulsipur along with their percentage and main language and religion following here.

वडा अनुसार अक्सर बसोबास, अनुपस्थित स्वदेश र अनुपस्थित विदेशको विवरण

It represents the data of wardwise people moslty living here, people who have been to abrpad county,and who are out of city but within the country.

वडा अनुसार सहरी तथा ग्रामीण जनसंख्या वितरण

It represents the data of wardwise population who live in urban area sub-urban area and remote area within the teritory of Tulsipur Municipality.

तुलसीपुर उप–महानगरपालिकामा उमेर समुह अनुसार जनसङ्ख्या

It represents the data of male and female population based on different age group.

तुलसीपुर उप—महानगरपालिकामा जातजाति अनुसारको जनसंख्या

It represents the data of total population of tulsipur municipality based on different caste living here.

उप—महानगरपालिकामा बोलिने मातृभाषा अनुसारको जनसंख्या

It represents the data of the total population of Tulsipur based on thier mother tongue language.